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Complete NEET (UG) Preparation in one app
From Test Series to PYQ papers to Line by Line questions, Memoneet has everything you need to master NCERT
What is and how does it work? is an online platform that helps improve memory and cognitive abilities through exercises and techniques. Users can create personalized training programs and track progress.
What are the key features and benefits of using offers personalized memory training programs tailored to individual needs and goals. It provides a wide variety of memory exercises and games to keep training engaging and diverse. Users can track their progress and performance over time and receive reminders for regular training sessions. is accessible on multiple devices, allowing users to train anytime, anywhere. Additionally, the platform includes community features for users to connect, share experiences, and participate in memory challenges.
Can you explain the pricing model for offers personalized memory training programs trailered to individual needs and goals. It provides a wide variety of memory exercises and games to keep training engaging and diverse. Users can track their progress and performance over time and receive reminders for regular training sessions. is accessible on multiple devices, allowing users to train anytime, anywhere. Additionally, the platform includes community features for users to connect, share experiences, and participate in memory challenges?
Is compatible with different devices and operating systems?Yes, is designed to be compatible with various devices and operating systems. It can be accessed through web browsers on desktop computers, laptops, tablets, and smartphones. The platform is optimized for different screen sizes and operating systems, including Windows, macOS, iOS, and Android.
How does ensure the security and privacy of user data? takes the security and privacy of user data seriously. It implements industry-standard security measures such as encryption of data transmissions, regular backups, and secure storage practices. User data is not shared with third parties without explicit consent, and users have control over their personal data and privacy settings within their account.
Can I place the order now?Yes, you can place your order now
Will I get all three subject books in this order?Yes, you will receive all three PYQ books for Biology, Chemistry, and Physics. You also have the option to order any one or two subjects individually.
Does this book include NEET 2024 PYQs?Yes, it includes NEET 2024 PYQs, including the Asifabaad paper.
Do I have to pay for the video solutions?No, it’s absolutely free and comes with the PYQ book. Simply scan the QR code provided in the PYQ book to access the video solutions.
How can I track my order?After purchasing, you will receive a confirmation email with your tracking ID and order details.
Is this book updated?Yes, it is updated based on the latest NEET syllabus, ensuring zero PYQs from the old syllabus.
How will I receive the printed test series?You will receive the printed test series package as 4 sets if you order now. Each set will contain test materials that are required to write exam for next 3 months . One time payment and we will deliver all 4 sets.
Will I be able to attempt all the tests if I enroll late?Yes, you will be added to batch 1, 2, 3, 4 as per the month of your enrollment and schedule will be provided accordingly to reduce backlog. Batch 1 started on May 26th.
How many questions are expected in NEET 2025 from Brahmastra Test?In NEET 2024, 180 out of 200 questions came from the Brahmastra Test Series from just 14 tests. This year Brahmastra Test Series has 36 tests. Surely you can expect above or equal to 180/200 questions.
If the Brahmastra Test Series (BTS) allows unlimited reattempts, how will the Mistake Book section handle the questions I get wrong? Will only the mistakes from the first attempt be recorded, or will mistakes from all attempts be added?Mistakes from all attempts will be added to the Mistake book.
Will I get the OMR Sheet, Preparation Plan & Test Calendar Plan with this package ?Yes! You will receive extra OMR Sheets, one Preparation Plan, and a Test Calendar Plan with your package.
What should I do if I have any questions or issues with the printed test series?After purchase, you will be added to the Brahmastra Test Series WhatsApp support group where you can ask your queries. You can also reach out to for assistance.
Can I get additional copies of the answer sheets?You will receive only one answer sheet for each question set. If you need more, you can always download it from the app and print additional copies.
Is the content of the printed test series different from the online version?The content of the printed test series is the same as the online version. The only difference is that for the online version, you have to print it yourself.
Is this test series available in printed format?Yes, Brahmastra Test Series is available in both, printed and online formats.
Does "printed" mean that we will have access to offline test centres for attempting the test?The Printed Brahmastra Test Series will be conveniently couriered to your home; you can then attempt the tests according to the test planner from a quiet place within your home. This ensures that you have the flexibility to take the tests at your own pace and in a comfortable environment, without the need to travel to a specific location; thus, you can fully focus on your NEET preparation without any disturbance.
If I buy printed, then will I have access of online tests as well?Yes, students who purchase the printed tests get online access of the tests for free.
If I order now, when will I receive my printed test series package?You will receive your printed test series package within 5 business days.
How can I access my test performance ?You will receive your performance report immediately after uploading the OMR sheet. Additionally, you can access all your test scores anytime after the results are announced.
What should I do if I face any issues accessing the test series?Don’t worry. You can immediately report your issue in the Brahmastra Test Series WhatsApp Support Group. Our team will get back to you and fix it right away.
How frequently are the tests updated?It depends on the batch you join. Brahmastra Test Series Batch 1 will have three tests per month, whereas the upcoming batches may have more than three tests per month. As the days get reduced, the frequency of the tests will increase.
Can I take the tests multiple times?Yes, unlimited reattempts are available.
How do I access the online test series?Open our app. > Go to "All in One Brahmastra Test Series." > You will find both upcoming and previous tests there. > Click on the particular test you want to take. > Download the question paper and OMR sheet. > Get them printed at a nearby printing shop. > Take the test and fill in the OMR sheet. > Scan the OMR sheet to get your score.
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